Saturday, May 29, 2010

Arizona, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley and Moab

So after Zion, we headed down to Arizona, to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. It was neat but did not compare to Zion. Our classroom then moved back up to Utah to check out Monument Valley. This is when we first experienced the winds of Utah. Now i come back to my tent after mapping to find eolian processes in action! The desert is really nice and toasty but holy, that wind is something fierce! It's relentless. Luckily, last night 12 of us booked two rooms at the Aarchway Inn to stay out of the wind on our Mesa camp ground in the La Sals. Showering felt great!
A bunch of us went to Arches today, our day off. It was my second time this trip and boy am I super happy that Josh and I decided to wake up at 3:00am last Sunday to get tranquil sunrise pictures with a more interesting sky... so busy!!! But it was a good time anyhow, I snapped some pics at different angles. I'll edit this post and add those images later when I have more time.

the Grand Canyon
the world is our classroom - Monument Valley, Utah
our view from camp in Moab up in the LaSal Mountains (an igneous intrusion)
the A-Team mapping in Salt Valley

Delicate Arch (last Sunday at sunrise)

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